Friday, January 27, 2017

N n

Nn week was technically January 16-20th, but there were quite a few events that kept us from normal schooling. Drew Becker had been in the hospital since the previous Friday, (fill in on his journey and story here and pray for his soul), and then he finished his work, dying on Thursday the 19th. I was frantically and anxiously checking my phone for updates from Heidi for much of the week, and the stress and emotional roller-coaster that it was kept normal life from going about itself as per usual; we ended up having a very free-play week. We did do several activities, just not at all in the "proper setting" or timing.

Noodle names were eaten, name necklaces were made, and we even managed a make-shift nacho dinner. I'll call it a success.

Collage to come if we can manage it; otherwise, we'll call it a wash and just start afresh with Oo next week.


M m

and then we ate some, of course...
They really dug the "mammals" lesson - I think Paul liked learning that there are groups of animals and that they're not just all one lump thing.
This day's lesson was "muscles", learned in the form of Simon Says, and the same rang true for Paul here: I think he liked learning that there's rhyme and reason to how things work together. Great!

Gotta take advantage of the nice weather we have in January, right?

And we also took advantage of the fact that meringue starts with m, and enjoyed a tasty dessert after dinner with friends.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

L l

Besides the days being totally off, we did follow L l a bit to plan. It was meant to be the first week after Christmas Day, but when Nana, Pappy, Dylan, and I decided to make the trek to South Carolina, things got all a-jumbled. We did, in fact, drive back to NOLA on the Tuesday, just like on the chart, and so Wednesday evening, we started L l at the library. And we did, indeed, make a People I Love collage on Thursday, and we collected leaves on Friday but did nothing with them because of the cold weather; they blew away. But we managed to finish our collage, albeit on Monday. 

Paul keeps getting better and better at cutting - look at those faces! Ada's great at cutting confetti.

M m is getting us a bit more back to routine ... and bringing with it a few yummy treats!