Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Q q

The kids loved Q week! Funny, right? Q doesn't really have much to offer, but Paul is now quite keen on the South American bird, the quetzal. Whatever, yo.

I tried to make the quiet virtue this week mean a little more than just "be quiet" because they hear that all. the. time. from grown-ups. So we took it to mean everywhere else besides just our voices: quiet bodies, quiet minds, and quiet hearts to try to hear God talking to us. I think it worked? Lifelong lesson, amirite?
First dip into multiplication: 4 quarters x 5 rows = $20
Joint effort. I'll let you decide who did what.
Part of the 4-quarters-to-a-circle lesson had the child just see what kind of a picture s/he could make, so Ada made a moon! And "anUVER moon!" And Paul made his look like a window with curtains.
I loved their ideas on where to be quiet!

P p

Man, I'm tellin' ya, if I didn't have photos to jog my memory of this P week, I'd have completely forgotten what we did. Now that I see these and others from the week non-school-related, I remember it was a very busy weekend beforehand, and so we all relished a bit of a relaxed week. Full of the regular close-to-homes, of course, and even + one field trip across the ferry (Paul on his bike!) to cash in on some goodies with birthday money.

We did not end up doing the paper clip math activity because we don't have and didn't bother about getting any paper clips, oops. And the Petitions photo album book came out so great that we've been using it in our evening prayers every day since. Love. 

out of paper instead of pretzels - much less waste and mess

That's it! Some weeks are like that, I guess.

Monday, February 6, 2017

O o

and then they were excited to eat them - woo! uncooked oats!

Tuesday's opposites lesson was also outside and full of body examples: up/down, loud/quiet, fast/slow; they had a ball! And then we went to our little chapel's evening Mass, where the entrance hymn is always "Oh, Mother of Perpetual Help, to thee we come imploring help", and so P&A drew another connection to our daily lives; love it.

We combo'd Wednesday's lesson, which we'd skipped, with Thursday's and covered circles (which look like Os) and ovals (which begin with O) and oceans. I don't think Ada really got that concept ... she pointed to anything blue on a map and called it something it is not: river, lake, ocean, Uncle Pete's beach. 

Paul really enjoyed this letter's animals - he loved reading the couple of otter books we'd checked out, and all the octopus facts were so interesting and bizarre. We also, oddly, have several toy octopuses; apparently that's a hot baby toy theme?

And theeen Paul received this in the mail from his godparents, and he promptly wanted to sit down and talk about each animal. He was sincerely as excited about it IRL as he is in this photo!