Tuesday, April 18, 2017

W w

 Liquid water to solid water:
 Solid water to liquid water:
 Liquid to gas:
 Then we left Ww be for a few days until Good Friday, when we took a walk in the woods with Nana & Pappy in City Park. Beautiful!

Thursday, April 6, 2017

U u + V v

I found this one really interesting because the difference in 3- & 5-yo skill level really stands out, from the fullness of coloring to the precision in cutting. I loved seeing (and being reminded of!) it!

pointing to La.
and the Great Lakes
and to Mn., where she was born
Then the V sticks, which are really just toys for making weird-style guns (sigh), but Papa made quite a few shapes after dinner one night, so ... way to go Papa! Good job in school ;)
We didn't think there'd be many examples to find in old Highlights magazines, but they did a great job!

T t

Ada fed the turtles and Paul held one!

We went to Texas for Tt week; we ended up saving the tea party til we got back, and we also drew a tree from the branches down to the ground and the roots under the ground, but ... it was a rough week with Paul, poor dear, whether because of DST or who knows what, so we didn't get pictures of the tree drawing or get to the tabernacle talk. We'll revisit that when the 1st Friday comes up, and we can visit Adoration for a (very) few minutes.

There may have also been some naked trampoline fun...

S s

Then we went to the zoo to see the sloth! But he was asleep ... and not very entertaining ;) The spider monkeys, however, were a big hit! Jack giggled for a good 5 minutes watching them, and we had fun anyway, despite the boring sloth ;)

The senses were fun to talk about, but we did not talk about, or learn, rather, the Sacraments. Too big? Too special? I don't know; we talk about the Eucharist lots, and Baptism's a fave around here, but we have not yet delved into "So there's this seven-fold group of blessings". We'll get there.